7 Ways to Prevent Ingrown Crotch Hairs

Do you want to know how to prevent ingrown hairs? Welcome to the club! No matter who you are, nobody likes having ingrown hair, especially around the crotch.

They're unattractive, painful, and sometimes hard to prevent. Ingrown hairs can happen anywhere on your body, but they tend to crop up more often in areas with coarse or curly hair like the genitals.

Luckily there are several things you can do to prevent yourself from getting these unwanted pains. Let’s take a closer look at a few proven and effective strategies that you can deploy to prevent those pesky ingrown hairs.

1.Exfoliate Before Shaving

Exfoliating helps get rid of dead skin cells that build up on your face (or wherever else) that can cause breakouts and give way to ingrown hairs. It's not enough though if you know you'll be shaving an area though.

It is best to exfoliate before you shave because it gives the razor more space to glide through your hair and prevent catching on all of your dead skin cells. This results in a closer shave and softer skin, so try not to skip this critical step.

Also, too much exfoliation isn’t good. Try to strike a balance so that you aren’t overdoing it. Wait a couple of days in between shaving if you can, so that there is enough time for skin to heal in between grooming sessions.

Take our word on it– your skin will thank you later!

2.Shave With Care

Obviously, it goes without saying that you need to be careful with that razor near your junk. It is also important that while shaving around the crotch, you take care not to go over an area multiple times. This can result in even more ingrown hairs that pop up in its place.

Trim down any excess hair if possible so make sure your razor can do what it's supposed to without having too much hair get in the way of a smooth shave.

Don't be afraid to use multiple razors either (just try to make sure they are your own) - switching out blades regularly prevents dulling of the blades which prevent them from cutting as effectively thus leading to caught hairs and irritation.

Finally, use a good quality shaving cream to prime the area and get the closest shave possible. If you are prone to breakouts, skip the fragranced kind.

3.Use Moisturizer

After you shave, you shouldn't just throw away the razor and walk off. Caring for your skin after shaving is extremely important to prevent ingrown hairs.

After every time you shave, make sure to apply some sort of moisturizer on the area (not too much though, or else it'll prevent any other products like deodorant from taking effect) to prevent dryness.

This extra moisture prevents bacteria from getting trapped in your pores which can cause infection if cuts are present, thus leading to more breakouts and irritation that leads to more…well, you know where this is going.

4.Don't Shave or Wax Too Often

We know it’s hard, but if you want to prevent ingrown hairs, then minimizing waxing or shaving is the best approach. If you must shave, do it less often so that you can give your skin time to heal itself before being put back up on the chopping block again.

If you happen to have sensitive skin around your crotch region, then bikini waxes are probably not the best idea since they remove the very top layer of skin which dries out quicker than usual after shaving/waxing and thus prevents moistures from getting trapped under them.

5.Avoid Loose Fitting Clothing

Loosefitting undergarments will cause rubbing between your legs, which in turn can welcome ingrown hairs from bubbling up. Boxer briefs are a better option since they form fit around your crotch to prevent chafing and bunching up.

Make sure they aren't too tight so that there's enough space for circulation while simultaneously preventing any unwanted infections if there happen to be any cuts down there.

6.Leave it Alone

You can prevent ingrown hairs on your face by avoiding popping or squeezing pimples.

However, the same doesn't apply to areas around the crotch because you could end up tearing open new pores and may cause a serious infection. So, if you feel a bump that looks like ingrown hair then don't touch it! Let it heal on its own without irritating or disrupting it in any way.

You shouldn't pick at your pubic region even if you're desperate to get rid of them too - they'll eventually go away with some patience.

“Squeezing ingrown hair anywhere on the body is a big no because it can aggravate or infect them. And if you acquire post-inflammatory pigmentation, you may end up with a scar”, says Dr. Neil Sadick.

7.Don't Go At It By Yourself

If you've tried everything and still can't prevent ingrown hairs around the crotch, it might be time to call in some professional help.

A dermatologist isn't just for people suffering from skin problems like cancer or acne (although that's what they're mostly known for).

Your average general practitioner can also prescribe you a cream that will prevent further breakouts and keep your skin moisturized - helping you avoid future irritation and inflammation.

Final Words

All of these tips for preventing ingrown hairs are great but the most important preventative measure is to prevent ingrown hairs from even popping up.

For this, it's best to prevent shaving the area around your crotch completely, especially if your hair is too coarse and curly to be shaved. If the crotch region is red or shows other indications of infection,consult your doctor. It might not be the most practical thing but there are other ways like waxing or laser removal that can prevent the future appearance of pubic hair.

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