First Ever Egg Hunt, 3 New Recruits, and Running Out Of Stock...

Welcome to our behind-the-scenes blog for the month of April, AKA Manmade Behind The Brand! Here, we'll take you on a journey through the inner workings of our brand, giving you an inside look at the people and processes that make everything possible. April was an exciting month for us, full of new projects and challenges that tested us.


We held our first ever Easter Egg Hunt right here on our website. Lucky winners that were able to find the Easter Egg were rewarded with a gift on us, free of charge that was able to be claimed with any purchase. It exceeded our expectations and was a great success!

Meeting with new team members


As we continue to grow aggressively, we have been experiencing growing pains and identified 3 new roles to fill within the company: Customer Experience Associate, Video Editor, and a Technical Apparel Designer. We rolled up our sleeves and got to recruiting. We’re happy to say we filled all 3 roles within the month. We’re excited to introduce you to our newest team members!


"Top of Line" samples are the very first units off the production line, and we’re one step closer to launching our blue boxer brief since we received our first 100+ pairs of blue boxer briefs and they just passed Quality Assurance - they’re PERFECT!


Since we don’t have any external funding, yet also growing aggressively at the same time, our biggest challenge is inventory and cash flow - which go hand in hand.

Large companies have the financial resources to stock a years’ worth of inventory and never worry about selling out of styles or sizes. Since we can’t afford that luxury, we only have a month or two worth of inventory. We base our forecasting on prior proportions of sizes, returning customer rate, and average number of boxer briefs ordered. Well when one of these ratios change, it can impact our forecasting dramatically and we’re sad to say we’re on the verge of selling out of Medium and Large sized Boxer Briefs.

We’re working hard to find a solution to reduce the potential sell-out period to as short as possible.

Final Words

We’re actually writing the blog this month from Sri Lanka as we’re currently visiting our manufacturing partners. We’re working on new product design, quality assurance, and further building our relationships. We’ve got something special in the works for our Father’s Day campaign so stay tuned as we aim to launch it mid-May.

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