How 4 Finance Guys Design Men's Underwear

We take great pride in crafting the most comfortable boxer briefs. It's hard to believe that we were once finance guys working in the banking sector! We like to joke that 1+1+1+1 doesn’t equal 4 for us. When we’re in sync, we can function as if we're a team of 8! This synergy is exactly how we've managed to amass decades worth of experience in apparel design and manufacturing in just a mere 3 years. 

On our latest trip to our manufacturing partners in Sri Lanka, we decided to document parts of our journey, especially those relating to our boxer brief designs. Rob even got a chance to try his hand at some machinery—check it out:

If there's anything else you'd like a behind-the-scenes look at, please let us know!

Thank you so much for tuning in, 

Phil, Anthony, Robert & Berto

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